Unterwegs am Jakobsweg

On a Wednesday (Not quite sure which one, don't @ me.), both the 4a and 4b went on a trip on the Way of St. James (Jakobsweg, if you didn't already guess it). This journey, rather surprisingly, was not very exhausting as everyone has anticipated. Albeit we had to advance our way through extreme heat, slight elevations every now and then, and extreme boredom... that would be, if it wasn't for my playing cards. During the trip, me, David Gregor Zunterer (DGZ), Aaron Felix Gotfried Pöder (AFGP), Elias Schnablegger and many of my descendants were playing card games to kill the time furthermore. That being said, we made our way up to the Kronburg, in which we had a nice meal in. This meal, naturally, tasted like heaven. Many of my colleagues had Schnitzel, while others had Cordon Bleu. With our stomachs nourished, we continued our way to the nearest train station to head back home. With the extremely well thought out strategy of mine, our will to keep going, and determination, we were easily able to defeat the challenges of the Way of St. James. (by Hannes Köll)
